client stories
“The results are better than I could have imagined”
Treatment Type
IV vitamin treatment
Treatment Date
Dec, 2021
Hair loss
Woman with high-power corporate job, 40’s, experienced hair loss from stress in early career
When I first realised that my hair was thinning and becoming patchy, I didn’t realise that stress could have such a physical impact on my body and my appearance.
In the corporate world, stress is seen as something that merely comes with the territory and so I was led to believe that all the side effects of that stress were normal and to be expected.
Because of this, I have spent the last two decades covering up the thinning patches of my hair, simply concealing a problem which has manifested itself in my daily routine and life and has had a knock-on effect on my confidence.
When I first decided to visit the Skinoza Hair Loss and Hair Transplant clinic, I had no idea what result I was really looking for. I thought that hair transplants were for those who suffered with large scale hair loss and had bald patches or no hair at all, and so I didn’t really think that they could do anything for me.
The clinician I met spent time not only getting to the bottom of my hair loss and thinning hair, but also understanding who I am and what lifestyle factors might be impacting my hair growth today. Even when I said that the hair loss had largely stopped, she pinpointed ways that my career and stress were still impacting the healthy growth of my hair – showing me that hair loss doesn’t just occur when the hair comes out in chunks but is also there when the hair simply stops growing at the same rate.
Stress can lead to a series of different symptoms and health-related concerns, many of which lead to hair loss as a side effect. When the cause of stress is addressed, hair loss will cease – however in some cases, the knock-on effect can continue to impact the hair’s ability to grow at the same healthy rate.
Once we had discussed my case, the impact it was having on my confidence, and the reasons behind my hair loss, it was time to talk about treatment options.
In the end, we decided that because of my career and my need to be present in the office as quickly as possible after treatment, a long hair transplant was the best way to give my hair back its lost volume and to finally get rid of the bald patches which have plagued so much of my confidence and prevented me from doing so many of my favourite activities.
The clinician also discussed a new option with me which would help to revitalise my existing hair and breathe life back into the hair follicles which had been impacted and damaged back in my early career. The IV vitamin therapy could form part of a larger treatment plan which would see my hair physically restored, and the natural health of my hair given a boost.
Our IV vitamin treatment works by targeting the deficiencies which contribute to or exacerbate hair loss, leaving clients with stronger hair follicles and a better balance of hormones to stimulate future growth. What this means is that not only are we giving you back the gift of hair, but we are giving your body a boost of the substances it needs to allow your hair to continue to grow strong and in the best condition possible.
The first challenge came in determining a treatment schedule that fit with my work commitments.
Luckily, Skinoza Hair Loss and Hair Transplant clinic were quick to work around me and offer up a treatment schedule which allowed me to combine sessions and ensure that the recovery was time would be minimal after each. We chose a U-FUE hair transplant to fill the bald and thinner patches, and the IV vitamin therapy as a follow-up to support the natural regrowth of my hair.
hair loss
Skinoza Clinic explains
Designed for those who don’t want to wait for new growth before they feel confident again, U-FUE works in much the same way as the standard FUE treatment. The only difference is that the skin is unshaved when the graft is taken – adding the ‘U’ for ‘unshaved’ at the start of the acronym.
Compared to other hair transplant treatments, U-FUE or long hair transplant is one of the most delicate because not only is your clinician dealing with skin grafts, but they must be able to remove, process, and implant those grafts without damaging either the donor hair or the hair in the surrounding recipient site.
The U-FUE process began with a consultation and discussion about the area of my scalp where hair could be taken from.
The clinician explained to me that she would be taking small grafts of hair follicles without cutting or shaving my head, meaning that the transplanted hair would retain its length and give me thicker hair virtually instantly. Despite being far more labour intensive and delicate, she explained that there were definite benefits of this approach to transplant, in that the results would allow me to go back to work as normal without anyone noticing I had had treatment, and that future regrowth of hair would generally fall in the right way as she could make sure to implant the hairs in the right direction and at the right density.
She also made sure that I understood that the U-FUE would cost more than a standard transplant due to the amount of time it would take for her and the team. Luckily, I was in a position where this was not a problem.
The treatment itself broke down into three stages:
1. The donor site was selected.
2. Grafts were taken and processed. The clinician showed me a graft so that I could have an idea of how the process worked, and I could see that each held no more than 2 or 3 hairs.
3. The grafts were individually integrated into my existing hair.
hair loss
Skinoza Clinic explains
U-FUE is one of the only treatments which offers results which count as both long term and instant. When the FUE treatment is completed without the need to shave the donor and recipient site, the hair transplant is undetectable and discreet, and gives clients the freedom to seek the treatment they need without everyone knowing about it.
Another key benefit of a shave-less FUE transplant for your clinician, is that by leaving the donor site unshaved it is easier to match the graft with the receiver site in terms of the direction of hair growth and how those transplanted hairs will grow naturally alongside existing hair. While a long hair transplant is no doubt a more delicate process which takes longer, the results can be even more natural by ensuring that the direction and type of hair growth is equal to and complimentary of the hair surrounding it.
A few weeks later, I returned to the Skinoza clinic for the IV treatment.
The idea behind this additional treatment was to give my body a hit of vitamins and minerals that it was lacking, and which could contribute to a rebalance of hormones to promote healthy growth. Having worked in the corporate world for so long, I had lost touch somewhat with a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle, and so this IV vitamin treatment was an ideal way to get my body back on track.
There are two infusions which make up our IV hair loss treatment, one of which contains all the vitamins and minerals your hair needs to stimulate the production of hair cell protein, while the other contains the substance required for the cell reproduction process which occurs during the hair production cycle. All of the substances contained in the IV treatment bags are by prescription only and can only be administered by a trained and professional clinician.
My tailored IV treatment was administered by injection, with the clinician talking me through everything that was included in the injection and how I would feel.
She also let me know what I could do in my day to day life to continue to support the production of healthy cells and to keep my hair in the best condition – explaining the need for the right vitamins and minerals in my diet as well as through direct treatment like this.
The process I went through with the Skinoza clinic was labour intensive on both my part and theirs, but the results are better than I could have imagined. By pairing the transplant with a vitamin injection which stimulated natural growth of my hair, I was able to benefit from the best of both worlds and know that what I was doing would help me get the hair I wanted both now and in the future.
Working around my schedule at work was not easy, but the team at Skinoza were committed to helping me achieve my dream hair, and I couldn’t be happier!
Say goodbye to hair loss,
and hello to a brand new, more confident, you.
To discuss the right treatment for you, and to get the best advice from one of the UK’s leading hair loss and hair transplant specialists, book a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced hair transplant surgeon today.