Hair Clinic FAQs
An ideal candidate for a hair transplant is in relatively good health with a healthy supply of hair in the donor area (typically the back of the scalp). This is the area generally not affected by male pattern baldness (except in rare cases). In addition, you are a good candidate for FUE/DHI if you want to wear your hair short or would like to camouflage any scars from previous linear harvests. The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant is to book a free consultation with the clinic.
No. The FUE or DHI hair transplant method is applicable to any person of both sexes and all ages.
Here at Skinoza we are constantly updating our training and treatment procedures and can provide you with more advice and guidance on the safety of certain treatment options. If you have any further questions about the safety of laser hair therapy, please get in touch with one of our team directly.
Yes, a FUE/DHI hair transplant is permanent for the transplanted hair. During the hair restoration procedure, hair follicles are typically transplanted from the back of your head to your scalp or facial recipient areas. Your hair will continue to grow strong and healthy like it did in your donor area previously. And because this hair was taken from an area genetically resistant to the DHT hormone that causes balding, it is able to grow strong in those once sparse areas. Overall, hair transplants are as close to permanent procedures as you get in cosmetic surgery. For the majority of patients, one single transplantation session is enough.
Since the hair follicles that are transplanted to the balding areas are genetically resistant to going bald, they will continue to grow for a lifetime – just as if they had been left in the bald resistant donor area.
When it comes to our hair restoration procedures, natural results are what we are known for. Our advanced sapphire hair transplant technology, combined with IV vitamins drip and PRP sessions, creates results that are undetectable, with natural hairlines and consistent growth patterns. Taking advantage of the state-of-the-art FUE or DHI hair transplantation procedure a qualified, skilled surgeon to perform it can ensure you get the natural results you hope for. Hair transplantation should be natural that even your hair stylist will not know
The potential number of implants that can be extracted from a person is around 8000 grafts or about 16,000 hairs. It is not possible nor ethically recommended transplanting all in one session. Several sessions with 2500 grafts to 3500 grafts per session might be performed to distribute the extraction in the recipient area in a strategic manner so as to achieve the best results for the patient in the mid and long term. It is advisable to have at least 12 months break between sessions
The duration of your hair transplant surgery depends on the number of grafts needed to accomplish your goals. An average hair transplant takes about 4-7 hours, but this can also depend on which hair restoration method you select. A typical session of between 1500 to 3500 grafts normally involves a full day of surgery on an out patient basis. Most patients will arrive in the morning and will have their procedure completed by late afternoon. A 500 graft session can be completed in just a few hours.
In order to repair those proteins, laser hair therapy stimulates the most damage and weakened follicle units, by increasing blood circulation both to the individual follicles and across the scalp.
You are not required to fast before a hair transplant procedure as the procedure will be carried out under local anaesthetic. When using local anaesthetic we do not fast patients as it is preferred that the patient has food in their stomach. Having a full stomach means that the anaesthetic last longer and often doesn’t need an excessive amount. Large amounts of local anaesthetic can cause additional swelling post-procedure which we always try to avoid.
Your hair transplant procedure will start in the morning so we do recommend that you eat a substantial breakfast before arriving that will last you through until the afternoon. Once your surgeon has completed the extraction stage of the procedure, you will have a break which tends to be in the afternoon. During this break you will be able to stretch your legs, visit the bathroom and have something to eat – which we encourage.
We will provide lunch, snacks and drinks throughout the procedure. Please be sure to let your patient coordinator know of any dietary requirements so we can cater for you appropriately on the day, our priority is making you feel comfortable, relaxed and well catered for on the day of your Hair Transplant procedure at all times.
When you have a hair transplant procedure you will be with us for the majority of the day. We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing and most importantly a wide neck top or button up shirt as this will make it easier to remove post-treatment without rubbing against the newly transplanted hair follicles.
Modern hair restoration procedures are much less invasive and therefore less painful than they used to be. Even though it is considered a surgical procedure, a FUE hair transplant and DHI hair transplant is only minimally-invasive. You can expect some minor discomfort after the procedure as your scalp and/or face heals. During the procedure, a local anesthetic is injected in the area that is worked on so that you won’t feel any pain throughout the procedure. You may feel the sensation of slight tugging and pulling as hair transplant practitioner extracts and implants your hair grafts, but it won’t cause pain. Most patients are pleasantly surprised how easy and pain-free hair transplant procedures are.
FUE/DHI Hair Transplant surgery is a very safe procedure that is performed regularly without any significant complications. Of course with any type of surgery or procedure there are risks such as; infection, swelling, bleeding, numbness, scarring, itching and loss of grafts.
As the placement incisions are so small, the risk of post-operative infection is very low. You will likely experience some redness and maybe some slight swelling in the treatment area immediately after treatment, but this will subside after two to four days.
You may experience some bleeding post-procedure and we advise keeping your head elevated and placing gauze over the area with applied pressure. Temporary numbness is common and can last for 3 to 18 weeks it does not usually affect you too much and it is very rare for it to be permanent.
The scarring left after a FUE or DHI Hair Transplant is minimal. The only time that you would really notice any scarring would be if you were to shave your donor area of hair very short. Upon shaving you may notice some very small circular scars that may appear as little white dots. If you are not planning on keeping your hair short (0 length) then these will not be noticeable.
After a FUE/DHI Hair Transplant, you are likely to experience redness on the scalp in both the donor area and recipient area which will remain for at least 7 days but can take up to 14 days to fully subside and in some cases a little longer. The redness is similar to the appearance of sunburn and occurs due to presence of newly formed blood vessels and just the general inflammation from the surgical procedure.
The hair used as donor hair for a hair transplant is extracted from the back of the head, so that area will have to be shaved for the practitioner to be able to extract the hair follicles.
You do not have to have your head shaved prior to a hair transplant. We prefer that you leave your normal hair growth in the recipient areas so our practitioner can analyse it before the procedure – they will trim it if necessary before getting started.
The FUE and DHI method scan be used for facial hair equally well as the scalp. In that sense a beard or eyebrow transplants are no different than a hair transplant. The hair is harvested from the donor area in the same fashion as for a hair transplant, and is then implanted into the facial areas were beard growth is sparse. The only thing to consider before having a beard transplant is to realize that donor hair is finite. Patients seeking a beard transplant may be younger (since beard growth can be sparse well into a person’s twenties) and may not have seen significant hair loss on their scalp yet. We encourage all our patients to take future hair loss into consideration before planning a beard transplant.
The cost of your hair transplant will depend on the number of grafts you will need. Each graft can contain several hairs, which is an important distinction you need to consider when comparing prices.
In order to determine the specific cost for hair restoration we encourage you to schedule a consultation.
An assessment will be performed and the hair transplant cost will be based on:
- Your desired result, including hair line design, and temple angle closure
- Desired density
- Current level of hair loss
- The area that needs to be covered – hair line, crown, mid scalp, scar repair, etc.
- Whether you had already received a procedure before or not
- Beard, mustache, eyebrow, and eyelash hair restoration
- Plastic surgery / face lift scar repairs
DHI transplants are priced slightly differently. Please view our price chart (to add link) for more information, or request a free consultation. Please note that our price quotes are inclusive of IV vitamins drip for hair grows and 3 PRP sessions. We offer interest-free payment plans via several financing providers.
More than any other procedure, hair transplants require patience. Because hair growth is slow, it will take time for your hair transplant to achieve its full effect. Results will vary person to person, but most of our patients have reported significant results within six to nine months of treatment. Within a year, your transplanted hair follicles should be growing at a normal rate, letting you enjoy the full effects of the procedure.
It is important to know that transplanted hair follicles act just like normal hair, meaning that cyclical shedding will occur, much like it does to the rest of your hair. The grafted hair will stay in place for about 2-3 weeks after transplantation, and then it will fall out, making room for new hair to grow in. Don’t be alarmed when you experience shedding up to a month after your procedure, whether you had a hair or a beard transplant. This is a perfectly normal occurrence, and new natural hair growth will resume within 3-4 months.
The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implant) technology is world wide used and very safe. It is a relatively minor surgical procedure that can be performed under mild local anesthesia to numb the scalp. Therefore the risks associated with general anesthesia or even heavy sedation do not apply. The fact that FUE hair transplants are so easy and virtually pain-free is one reasons they have grown in popularity to rank among the most-performed cosmetic surgeries for men.
The most important difference between DHI and FUE is the way the grafts are implanted in the recipient area.
During FUE hair transplantation, the channels must be opened with the scalpel before implantation so that the surgeon can manually implant the extracted grafts.
However, DHI uses a special tool known as the Choi Implanter Pen, so it is performed immediately after extraction, without the need to create channels for the grafts first, during the implantation phase.
The DHI method requires more skill and experience from hair transplant team than other hair transplant methods.
The DHI method has a faster recovery period and can be performed with less bleeding compared to the FUE method.
The FUE method is ideal for covering large areas, whereas the DHI method provides a better possibility for achieving higher density.
The only difference between Sapphire FUE and Classical FUE is to use blades made from sapphire crystal instead of blades made from steel material. The advantages of the FUE technique with sapphire scalpels, compared to the traditional one, are:
Reduced bleeding: the sharp blades allow to obtain a V shaped-opening of the micro-channels, instead of the classic U-opening. This way of opening micro-channels allows them to be smaller, and therefore causes less bleeding.
Greater graft density: smaller V-channels allow you to concentrate multiple grafts on the same surface.
Greater control of the follicular unit’s direction thanks to the greater precision of the sapphire scalpel. The result is a more natural look.
Shorter healing period – recovery time after the hair transplant is reduced; the risk of skin problems is minimised and the scalp surface remains smooth.
With this method, the recovery period after hair transplant is short and with fewer complications.
We may suggest maintenance therapy to ensure your hair transplant continues to deliver the full, natural results. This can include a medication, a low-level laser therapy or Platelet-Rich Plasma injections to promote hair growth.
You should allow for a week to ten days of recovery after a hair transplant. Please note that this is not time spent in bed. Most patients are perfectly fine to pursue day-to-day activities within 1 or at most 2 days of their procedure. However, you can expect some swelling within the first week post-op, and it takes about 10-14 days for the small punctures of hair implantation to scab over and fall off. Once the scabs have fallen off, a hair transplant is typically undetectable. The growth in the new areas of transplantation will occur slowly following the natural growth cycle of your hair.
We recommend that you wait at least 10 days or until all the scabs in the recipient area have fallen off before you trim your beard. After that all trimming is fine, but you should not shave down to the skin until 3 months after your beard transplant. Also check out our complete set of instructions for a successful hair transplant recovery (add the link) for other recovery tips like washing hair, sleeping, wearing face masks, and preventing swelling.
We recommend that you wait until Day 3 after your hair transplant before washing your hair. Please read our tips on how to wash you hair during the first week of recovery (to add link) as well as our complete set of instructions for a successful hair transplant recovery. (to add link)
We advise that you take a week off work to recover in full from your FUE of DHI Hair Transplant procedure however many patients have been known to return to work a couple of days post-op whereas others have taken a full 2 weeks off.
The amount of time you take off work will depend on your job, your responsibilities and if you are happy for your colleagues to know about your procedure or not.
Your scalp will be red for a few days post procedure and you will need to take medication and use topical solutions on the area on a regular basis.
We would advise that you rest for at least a week before travelling anywhere on holiday.
When on holiday you must take great care not to expose your head to strong sunlight or rain for at least two weeks post procedure as this could damage the hair follicles.
In order to achieve the best result it is really important that you follow all of the care instructions given to you.
We recommend that you avoid swimming for at least 14 days after your procedure but this will depend on how strenuous your swimming activity will be, and the type of water that you will be swimming in. When swimming in salt water you should wait until any scabs have fully healed and of course, protect your scalp from excessive sun exposure. If you are swimming in chlorinated water then we recommend being a bit more cautious and waiting anywhere from 2 weeks to a month as the chlorine has the potential to damage any unhealed hair grafts so waiting until they are fully healed will reduce this risk
Post-operative care when having a FUE/DHI Hair Transplant is vital to ensure that you are promoting new hair growth as effectively as possible.
You should not be exposing your head to direct sunlight, or even rain for the first 14 days after your procedure. A hat should be worn especially when going out in direct sunlight to ensure you do not get sunburn on your head for 2 months post-procedure.
Many patients use hats to help cover up the signs that they have had a hair transplant but we do advise being cautious when it comes to wearing one so soon after you have had the procedure. Surgeon’s recommendations may vary on this topic but overall we generally recommend waiting 7-10 days before wearing a hat to avoid the risk of damaging any of the hair follicles.
In the early stages, the hat must be placed carefully on your head and if you feel any tightness, rubbing or general uncomfortableness then it is best to remove it as soon as possible. You should try and look for a hat that is slightly looser and sits as wide as possible around the head, if a hat is too tight it may stick to the follicles and cause unnecessary damage.
It is also best to only wear a hat when necessary, wearing them for extended periods of time at this early stage may cause increased sensitivity as your scalp will still be delicate from the procedure.
Helmets should be avoided for 2-3 weeks.
Alcohol should be avoided ideally for a week before and after your FUE/DHI Hair Transplant procedure. Alcohol consumption thins your blood which can cause more bleeding during the procedure. Alcohol can also constrict the blood flow which can delay healing after a hair transplant and alcohol should not be mixed with the medication that you take post-procedure.