hair loss treatments
What causes hair loss?
There are endless conditions, lifestyle choices, and individual factors which can cause hair loss. So how do you identify which one is behind your symptoms?

Hair loss occurs when a change in the lifecycle of the hair root is caused by levels of DHT. In its most normal state, the lifecycle moves between a growing phase of approximately seven years and a resting phase of between three and four months. Hair loss occurs when this lifecycle goes into reverse, with the growing phase becoming shorter than the resting phase.
Gradually the hair starts to slow its growth until it stops growing completely. The solution? One of our hair transplant for male pattern baldness treatments.
the science
hair loss explained
To understand male pattern baldness, we must first consider the placement of the hair and how the hair grows across different areas of the head.
• the non-permanent area
• the permanent area
90% of hair loss is first seen across the non-permanent area – that is, the front, top and around the crown of the head towards the back. In comparison, the permanent area, where hair loss is rarely seen and where hair growth is for life, includes the back and sides of the scalp.
Male pattern baldness is caused by the presence of hormone receptions which exist in the hair roots across the non-permanent area. These receptors become triggered by the presence of the male hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which in turn reacts to the hair follicles and causes hair loss.
It is important to note that the number of susceptible hairs which can be impacted by DHT will depend on genetics, making some individuals more at risk than others.
Dihydrotestosterone, DHT, is a stronger form of testosterone, which is responsible for the development of male characteristics in men.
While female pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss, there are three main types of female pattern baldness, all of which occur across the same part of the head but to varying degrees of severity.
The difficulty in dealing with female hair loss, first and foremost lies with the initial identification of the cause – as there are a number of conditions which can impact hair growth and lead to hair loss, most of which are more complex than male pattern baldness.
Female pattern baldness is triggered by male hormones (known as androgens) which spike during puberty and after menopause, when levels of the female hormones are weakened.
This spike in androgens becomes converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) as a result of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase – and this then starts to influence susceptible hairs. The result is thinning hair and hair loss, often seen around the front and crown of the head, with varying degrees of severity.
Despite the cause being largely the same, there are two main reasons why female pattern baldness is often not as obvious as male pattern baldness:
1. Hair loss does not proceed as swiftly or as far across the scalp because women do not have as much 5-alpha reductase as men. This means the amount of DHT produced is lower.
2. Women have higher levels of the aromatase enzyme, which converts male hormones back into female hormones.

Discuss male or female pattern baldness with our team
hair loss explained
Other Causes of Hair Loss
Many other causes and conditions can affect hair growth and cause hair loss. So, as part of your initial consultation, we will work with you to identify any underlying conditions which may be causing or exacerbating your hair loss.
A condition which affects the auto-immune system, alopecia areata sees the body producing antibodies which work against your own hair. This will most often see those living with the conditions finding bald patches (alopecia areata), though in the most severe cases it can lead to full hair loss both on the head and other areas of the body (also known as alopecia universalis).
If you have ever tied your hair into a tight ponytail for exercise, plaited it, or created an elaborate hairdo, you will be aware of the pressure and tension that such hairstyles can put on your hairline. When left unaddressed, this tension can gradually turn into a cause of hair loss particularly across the hairline.
Stress to the hair caused by products and heated styling tools can cause breakage, leading to hair loss. While this is minor and can be reversed by ceasing use of such products, the longer you use these tools the more damage will be done to the hair.
A disorder which is characterised by pulling one’s own hair out, trichotillomania noted as a compulsion – often with a trigger linked to psychology. The urge to pull hair out extends from your head hair to eyelashes and eyebrows and can leave bald patches when left untreated.
You may have heard that your hair gets thicker and more luscious during pregnancy – but a little discussed side effect is that this causes a build up of shedding once the baby has been born. This shedding may seem excessive at the time but is often simply returning your hair to its normal state after the extra growth during pregnancy.
Stress can lead to a series of different symptoms and health-related concerns, many of which lead to hair loss as a side effect. When the cause of stress is addressed, hair loss will cease.
When the face undergoes extreme tension or stress as part of a surgical procedure, hair loss around the hairline can occur.
A commonly seen side effect of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, hair loss is caused by the disruption to the functionality of cells in the body – with the drugs working to attack cancer cells, which in turn disrupts growth of the normal cells at the same time. Hair should grow back upon completion of any therapy.
Skin problems like eczema and localised infections can lead to hair loss, especially those conditions which leave the skin itchy and raw.
If you are taking medication for any of the above conditions or for an entirely unrelated condition, it may be that you are taking one of the 100+ drugs which lists hair loss as a side effect. By coming off the medication you will see the symptoms ease, however you will need to discuss this with the prescribing doctor.
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skinoza hair loss clinic
Here at Skinoza Hair Loss and Hair Transplant clinic, we pride ourselves in delivering a high quality service built around restoring confidence – from FUE transplant surgery to hair transplants for long hair, and everything in between.
Our team can not only help you decide on the right solution but will also put your mind at ease about the causes and underlying conditions at the root of your hair loss.
From there, we engage cutting edge innovation and treatment to devise a long term solution – not only covering up the problem but helping each client to deal with the physical and mental impacts of hair loss.